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How To Help Your Child

Learn How Your Child’s Brain Works And Grows

  • The Parent Training Course is the fundamental first step in helping your child.
  • Understand how injuries and poor function in the brain show up as developmental delays, learning disabilities, and other diagnoses like ADHD and autism.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding neuroplasticity and nutrition, and their impact on child development.

Liz Strawbridge, M.D.

The Parent Training Course is a crash course in neurodevelopment which dovetailed beautifully with recent data around the science of neuroplasticity.

Liz Strawbridge, M.D.

The Family Hope Center use(s) detailed anatomical and developmental neural network maps in the brain to evaluate where along the timeline of brain development your child suffered injury, causing a dysfunctional pathway for that particular network resulting in downstream consequences.

Assess Your Child’s Current Neurodevelopmental Abilities

  • Use our proprietary tool to assess how your child’s brain is developing and find out which neurological pathways and physiological systems need the most support.
  • Parents complete this in Lesson 3 of the Parent Training Course.

Implement Your Child’s Individualized Home-Based Neurodevelopmental Treatment Plan

  • Take personal control of your child’s neurotherapeutic activities and nutrition as you implement their treatment plan in your home.
  • Parents complete this during Lessons 6-10 of the Parent Training Course.

Liz Strawbridge, M.D.

They design a personalized plan for each child based upon the particular sequence of neural dysfunctions and help strengthen the network from the origin of the dysfunction rather than fixing the symptom that is revealing itself.

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Update Your Child’s Neurodevelopmental Treatment Plan As They Develop And Progress

  • Periodically reassess your child as they experience the positive changes that come from neuroplastic growth
  • Each reassessment will provide you with an easy and objective way to see how your child is progressing and will be the basis for your child’s updated treatment plan.

Our Services

Our online courses are critical first steps towards helping your child.

Parents interested in learning and receiving more one-on-one guidance can choose to partner with us.

Comprehensive and individualized plans for your children, hands-on instruction, and direct support.

Helping Your Child with Special Needs

Our core mission is to partner with families of children who have neurological challenges and disorders.

Courses/ Learning Portal

Parent Training Course

The Parent Training Course provides all the essential tools needed to evaluate the root cause of your child’s challenges and promote development from home. The online format allows participants to go through the material at a pace that best suits you.

Helping Your Child

A critical first step towards your child’s development. This introductory course will help you to better understand your child's brain and the necessary steps you can take to help them.

Parent Centered Approach

At the Family Hope Center, our primary focus is helping parents achieve the goals they have for their children.

Conditions we Address

At the Family Hope Center, we work with parents whose children represent a vast and complex array of neurologically-based challenges, (dis)abilities, and disorders.

Why choose Us

Our approach is to teach, guide, and support parents in developing effective, customized and integrative plans for both families and children. Each individualized plan is designed to fit your specific needs and to help foster your child’s cognitive, communicative, sensorimotor, emotional, social, and physiological development.




Therapeutic Approach

In one week from today, he will be racing for the Danish Para-cycling team in the Danish Championships. We have no idea of how he is going to perform - but, I am so proud of him. All the hard work has turned out wonderful.

Karina J, Denmark

After spending years pursuing answers, it finally looks like we have something that will heal our son.

Julia G., Hanscom, Massachusetts, US

Thank you for giving my family hope and the practical tools to help my child when the system failed her.

Allison F., West Essex, UK

I have new hope – not just for my son, but for our whole family.

Karina J, Denmark

Get in touch

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information about the services we offer.

2490 Boulevard of the Generals #250 Norristown, PA 19403

US: (610) 397-1737

International: +1-610-397-1737

Fax: (610) 631-1854


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